Saturday, March 28, 2009

Korea News Update

Well, it's the end of a very long day filled with lectures, lectures, lectures! It's been a bit hard trying to stay awake through everything, since a group of us went out on the town last night! Seoul is so cool! We went out for drinks, then afterwards, went to a 'noribang'. 'bang' means 'room'. So you hire a room, which is equipped with karaoke machine, speakers, mics, plush couches, table, decor. We paid $25 to hire the room for an hour. There were 8 of us. And we just had a blast! Oh...and there were even tambourines! We were served free snacks. So we sang and danced and banged our tambourines till early hours of the morning! (It might sound cheesy, but we actually had tons of fun! Seriously!)
I am absolutely LOVING the international environment! Our little group of 8 last night included 4 South Africans, 2 Aussies, 1 Kiwi, 1 Brit and 1 Scot!!!! I've actually made friends with the nicer Americans and even Aussies!!!! I think my accent is even beginning to change a bit! The whole American thang, you know? With the upward inflection at the end of every sentence? Like? You know?.... But never fear... I am being true to Cape Town! I'm teaching the Americans to speak Cape Town slang! (Hoesit, my broer! Lekker!) I mustn't forget to teach them "minute" and "ek se"!
The Koreans are feeding us waaaaay too much food! But at least 75% of it's vegetable. I'm eating some strange things, strange combinations of things we would never do back home, but it's actually delicious! Some of the stuff, I don't know what I'm eating, but so long as it tastes good, Im all good! That reminds me, it's supper time.... yet again!!!! There are constant snacks available! Chocloate and biscuits! They are really spoiling us.
Anyway, tomorrow, we have a field trip planned. Going to the palace and the museum.
Let me go for a bit...... supper, then a Korean movie, then town-trekking again. I saw an elderly couple walking the streets of Seoul last night at midnight! The Koreans work hard all day and most of the night, and then go out and party for the rest of the night! Shops and restaurants and clubs, etc are open almost 24/7. The buildings are lit up with so many neon signs. But it's not distasteful at all. The streets are CLEAN! I saw a group patrolling the streets yesterday evening, wearing gloves and looking for bits of rubbish to pick up! I had been looking at the same stretch of road for at least 10 min before they rocked up. I did not see a scrap but they found something stuck in the drain!!!! It's phenomenal....the pride these people have in their work and living environments!
Anyway, it's only been 2 days here, and already there's so much to talk about! But first, yet more food!
Ciao for now,

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