Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Life in Korea

The following was copied from a post someone put on facebook.....

You know you've been in Korea too long when...

#You're no longer tempted to reach into the fish tanks outside of restaurants and grab one.

# When you instinctively know which can is for trash and which is for recycle.

# All the palaces and temples look alike.

# When you don't move for the car but you will move at lightning speed for the motorcycle.

# When you know the choreography to most K-pop songs.

# When Korean women stop looking anorexic.

# When you accept Konglish and stop trying to fix it.

# Korean TV starts making sense and you actually enjoy it

# Korean cops no longer look like boy scouts

# You can pronounce ‘Hyundai’ correctly and you’re even able to spell it in Hanguel for good measure

# Going to Itaewon is a culture shock.

# When pink isn't just for girls anymore.

# When you look both ways before crossing the sidewalk.

# When toilet paper isn't just used in the bathroom and it isn’t odd anymore to see it at the dinner table.

# When you have mastered the Korean squat.

# You can actually make a clear call while on the subway, in the subway station, in the elevator, or while on water.

# When kids walking or riding the subway by themselves no longer worries you.

# When a Western holiday passes and you barely even notice.

# When you're just as comfortable eating on the floor as you are at a table.

# When you will call 여기요 (Yeogiyo) without a second thought to get someone's attention.

# When you are disappointed when kimchi doesn't come with the meal

# Seeing a woman wearing flat shoes almost looks weird.

# You leave Korea and actually miss K-pop.

# You chase the guys in suits away to sit in the plastic chairs outside of convenience stores.

#When said plastic chairs and tables at the 7Eleven, Family Mart, Buy the Way are the hottest hang-out and chill spots

# You can't remember if something is English or Konglish but you totally understand it.

# If you've ever had more than one 'dangly' accessory thing on your cell phone.

# Watching drunk ajosshis stumble down the street is a form of entertainment.

# If you no longer groan when climbing the stairs to your favorite 3rd floor bar or to your apartment.

# You miss the freedom and sensation of driving, but wouldn't dare to drive in Korea.

# Hearing any language other than Korean or English almost shocks you.

# You stare at foreigners with the Koreans.

# If you happily eat soup from a shared bowl.

# If you've figured out how to eat cake with chopsticks.

# You think fecal smell while walking on the sidewalk is normal.

# You’re no longer disgusted when you see spit on the sidewalk

# Your English has actually gotten worse while in Korea.

# You stop picking off corn or sweet potato on a pizza.

# You’ve become immune to the ajumma stare.

# You become oblivious to Koreans staring at you

# When you jostle for a subway and bus seat with the best of them

# When you think it's fashionably acceptable to wear a shiny tie with a shiny suit

# If you've ever offered a Korean directions

# Women hiking and biking in heels no longer seems dangerous

# When you drink beer while walking on the street (BONUS POINTS: while dressed in the same clothes you taught in)

# You've caught yourself about to say something in Konglish

# If you put the peace sign (V for victory) in every picture.

# A Korean ever says "you use chopsticks better than I do!"

# When women in their twenties no longer look like teenagers.

# If you can't remember life before kimchi.

# You are immune to the smell of "the kimchi breath."

# You can pick up a single strand of noodles with chopsticks.

# You ask for more hot sauce because the kimchi-chige soup is not
hot enough.

# You slurp your noodles, cake, in fact anything, as loudly as you can and think nothing of it.

#Your back and neck are sore from bowing all day.

# You walk down the street holding hands with your buddy.

#You can eat barefooted in a restaurant with a foot in your lap.

# You can cut in at the front of the line of waiting people with the best of

#You can fall asleep on the city bus and wake up at your stop.

#You can shovel in an entire bowl of rice and half a course of Bulkogi (Korean marinated meat) into your mouth before you swallow.

#You only lock your door if there are lots of "Mi-gooks" (Americans) around.

#People ask if you want to go by car and you respond, "No, I'm in a

# You realize that it is safer to "J" walk than use a pedestrian

#Seeing men in dark suits wearing white socks is no longer akin to a fashion faux pas.

#You can use a public bathroom for both genders and think nothing of it.

#You crawl back into your house to get your umbrella, rather than take your
shoes back off and walk on the floor with shoes on.

#Someone says breakfast, you think of "chicken, soup, rice and kimchi”

#You'd rather sit on the floor than in a chair.

#You start believing that you can blend into a large crowd of Koreans.

#All your shoes are bent flat in the back.

#You answer the phone by saying "yoboseyo," and sometimes even at
the office.

#Someone says "mansion" and you think of a two bedroom flat in a
400-unit apartment building.

#You mutter "Aigu" when lifting a heavy objects.

#You suck in air through your teeth before saying "no" to

#You start growling and spitting inside your mouth to add emphasis to what
you are about to say.

#You can convert Hangul into English without repeating it to yourself

#You select shoes based on how easily you can get them on and off.

#You answer "Nhe" even when speaking English to non-Korean friends.

#You carry chopsticks in your back pocket.

#You enjoy putting lots of red pepper sauce on your salads or French-fries.

#You don't freak out when the salad arrives with octopus tentacles wiggling on top of it.

# You hate Japan for no apparent reason

# If you take pictures of your food before you eat.

# If you take pictures of YOURSELF before you eat.

#If you take pictures of yourself at every opportunity

# If every reflective surface can be used as a mirror

# When you know that rice can be used and transformed into a million different edible (some not so edible) treats including cake!

# You’ve considered giving someone Spam as a gift

# You look forward to your morning cup of instant coffee mix

I'm almost there, guys! Of the 89 points above, I already meet 63! And it's only been 5 months! H.E.L.P M.E. !!!!!!

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