Thursday, April 9, 2009

Country Market

I survived the market!
It was actually lovely! Fresh farm produce (soil still clinging to giant carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions), cherry tomatoes, tomatoes, so many varieties of lettuce, cabbage, bunches of fresh ginger. Giant, sweet fresh strawberries! Chillies, green peppers, red peppers! A cook's haven! It's also much cheaper than in the supermarket! And the good news is that there's a country market every 5 days! So, when I cook my traditional SA curry for my Korean friends, I can get cheap, fresh produce!
I even found a plant stall. Guess what?! There were African violets! Of course I bought a red one for my kitchen. They also have freesias, mother's-in'law's tongue, the usual old home plants (ferns, etc.), roses. I felt like I was in Stodels! So, I'll definitely be getting many more plants. I have a nice big balcony to transform into a little oasis. Future project!
There were also huge baskets filled with different types of beans. There were farm appliances, shears, special caps to protect you from the sun when working out in the fields. And then the fish stalls...... live fish swimming in buckets (little mudfish, I believe they are called). Long skinny eel-like fish, crabs galore, octopus, etc, etc. (However, we are far from the coast, so I was advised not to buy dead fish from these stalls. And then, the weird..... pupae. I saw a programme on TV back in SA about how pupae are a delicacy in Asia. Well, yes, now I've seen it with my own eyes! Looks kinda gross, actually. Like dead cockroaches, minus the feelers and eyes and head. And you can even buy it canned, in the supermarket! Sits comfortably next to the canned tuna! That's one thing I'll definitely be avoiding! All in all, the country market was a delight!
And then, off to dinner. One of my Koeran colleagues (KIm Gyo Lim) treated me to supper since I had treated her to sushi the previous week. We had GALBI (pork ribs - spare ribs, if you wish, but still different...more belly than actual ribs). Oh but was it absolutely delicious! I have finally found my favourite Korean dish! Apparently, Westerners usually choose this as their favourite. Must be the meat thing. If any of you ever go to a Korean restaurant back home, you must try Korean Braai. This is what you'll experience...... The tables are constructed around a gas ring (Actually there's a cooker top set in your table.) Your marinated raw meat will be brought to you, along with salad leaves, cloves of garlic, red pepper paste, gimchi, fried pancake /omelette, too many other side dishes to mention. Basically your table will be filled with little dishes of various accompaniments. You cook your meat as you want it. Dig in and enjoy! There is NO way you can consume everything on the table!
Oh, and there'll usually be a side dish of prepared fruit as dessert.
All in all, yet another delightful Korean experience.
Did I mention that the Cherry trees are in full blossom? The sad thing, though, is that after 1-2 weeks the blossoms fall to the ground. The petals are so fine and tiny, that the slightest breeze sends them flying. Already, I feel bad, having to walk on them. My little dorpie is also surrounded by plum trees. They look almost like the cherry trees just, their blossoms are white. And of course, because Spring has sprung, so have the bugs! Spiders, flies are coming out in full force. Of course, farming area, so lots of dung being spread around, you know...(Poofy!) I'm just awaiting the cockroaches and mosquitoes. We also have rice paddies in and around the dorp, so lots of open water - perfect for mozzies! But forewarned is forearmed. I brought a few cans of repellent from SA! Just till I find the equivalent here :) And fortunately, all windows have mesh screens. So that should keep mozzies and flies out.
And yet again, I've managed to write a novel! So sorry....
Till next time

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